Put three bay leaves under the bed before going to bed: here’s why


Putting three bay leaves under the bed could be very helpful. Here is the reason for this gesture.

In our  homes  there are many  ingredients  and many of them are  aromatic plants  and among the most widespread and also used for non-culinary purposes there is the bay plant whose  leaves  can be a real treasure.

Laurel   has become not only a  plant  used in  cooking, but also a true symbol, just think that it  is used to crown a person who manages to achieve the goal of graduation  .

Bay leaf: this is what you need to keep a few leaves with you before you go to sleep

This is because it is synonymous with having accomplished something important and many  athletes,  especially in ancient times, were crowned with a laurel wreath because of their exploits on the sports fields.

But bay leaf is also useful on the digestive level, in fact, by making a decoction with its  leaves  and combining a little  lemon  and  honey  , we obtain a drink which tends to promote digestion  .

This takes the name  “canary”,  and you can drink it both hot and cold and it will do very well for our body when we have stomach problems or simply to strengthen our immune system and prevent gastrointestinal problems .

Laurel: why use it under the bed

In addition, in recent times many people place leaves  or  directly the  bay leaf  near the door to prevent insects from entering the house and this proves to be useful.

In fact, many insects do not like the smell of  lauric acid  contained in the leaves of this plant and will therefore turn away and think twice before joining us.

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