Boiling eggshells in a pot will save you a lot of money


Boiling eggshells instead of throwing them away will save you a lot of money. Here’s why you should do it.

Eggs are a food that we consume often. Have you ever thought about how many shells we throw away? After discovering their usefulness, you will probably see them with different eyes and they will no longer seem like waste material.

eggs in food

Eggs are an essential food for a healthy and balanced diet.  They are a true rich source of nutrients  , as they contain proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. They are also rich in antioxidants, which help maintain eye and brain health.

A  complete food that turns out to be an excellent way to obtain quality proteins  . A single egg provides about 6 grams of protein, which helps maintain muscle mass and meet nutritional needs. Protein is important not only for muscles but also for the health of the immune system.

eggs in food

Eggs are also a good source of healthy fats, such as conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). This fatty acid has been linked to a number of benefits, including better cardiovascular health.

Rich in a number of essential vitamins and minerals  , such as vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin B12, iron, zinc and selenium, you can  safely consume up to 4 a week unless otherwise advised by specialists  . They lend themselves very well to different types of cuisine, as well as to the preparation of a multitude of dishes or cold salads. Egg whites are usually very important in desserts, which are usually beaten until stiff.  The so-called “whites” of the egg also find excellent use in the aesthetic field  . In fact, there are many homemade solutions that involve the use of egg whites for skin or hair care. But today we see why we should not underestimate an element of eggs that we all tend to throw away and that is instead very useful: the shells.

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