Goodbye to bed bugs in the garden, do not use chemical insecticides: so that they flutter immediately.


Do you want to say goodbye to bed bugs in the garden forever? Here is the solution that will allow you to get rid of chemical insecticides. You need to obtain these ingredients.

The trick to saying goodbye to bed bugs in the garden

Bedbugs are annoying insects that attack plants,  causing sometimes irreparable damage.  How to get rid of them permanently?  With this  natural recipe  you will no longer need to buy any insecticide.

Goodbye to bed bugs in the garden: so you can take care of your plants

Green bugs  , which even in summer, especially if you live in the countryside, end up invading our homes,  are disgusting insects  for us  to see but not dangerous to our health.

They are not  at all harmless when it comes to plants and nature .  Small, green and smelly if crushed , they stick to  leaves  not only  sucking  plant sap , but also act as a  vehicle for bacteria and viruses  that lead to  important plant diseases .

Chincha on the plant

The latter, in turn, can alter the growth of a  species, prevent fruiting or flowering  and in the worst case  even end the life cycle of a plant.

The Nezare Viridule , this is their  scientific name , due to their green color that distinguishes them from all other insects, they often  camouflage themselves with foliage  and therefore it becomes difficult to identify them.

Their  flattened body  then ensures that they can  hide in every part of the plant  , going unnoticed. What does not go unnoticed is  the damage  that these insects can cause to the  plants in our garden.

In agriculture,  bed bugs are considered pests that are not at all harmless  and that you need to get rid of. There are  several remedies  to end the problem. There are many  insecticides that you can find in nurseries or specialty stores that often contain chemicals.

The technique we want to talk to you about today will allow you  to create a very simple recipe.  With  these 2 ingredients  you can definitely  say goodbye to bed bugs in the garden.

The natural recipe to get rid of bed bugs.

If bed  bugs attack plants  it is really a serious problem. The  danger  that these insects pose to our plants is often underestimated. What you should be most concerned about is above all the fact that they are also resistant to quite powerful pesticides and insecticides.

So, what to do if  bedbugs attack the plants in our garden ? Controlling them in a domestic environment is easier but in a garden or green space the situation is complicated.

Fortunately,  there are natural remedies  that will help you  say goodbye to bed bugs in the garden . To make  your own non-chemical insecticide , you only need to get 2 ingredients:  baking powder and water.

Pour a sachet of baking powder into a liter of water.  Wait for the reaction between the two elements to complete and  transfer your solution to a nebulizer  making sure the yeast has completely dissolved in water.

Now you can  spray this mixture on the leaves and soil of the plants in  your garden: the bugs will stay away once and for all.   With this remedy you can   save your plants  from the attack of these dangerous insects.

Yeast , which has natural properties that can stun bed bugs and prevent them from returning to your garden,  is not the only natural solution to this problem.

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