Goodbye to bed bugs in the garden, do not use chemical insecticides: so that they flutter immediately.


Other ecological remedies to protect yourself from these insects

The invasion of bed bugs  can also be kept under control thanks to other  ingredients , all strictly natural. Did you know, for example, that  you can even create an ecological insecticide with  garlic ?

You should  mix one clove in a liter of boiling water  and let  the preparation marinate in the refrigerator for a week . Then, after 7 days,  strain the solution into a spray and moisten your plants with this mixture – the  smell of garlic is so unpleasant to  stink bugs that they will flutter away from your garden immediately .

And have you ever heard of  diatomaceous earth ? You can find it in garden stores. The dose varies depending  on the infestation to be controlled . Generally enough in small quantities of this always 100% natural product , to get rid of bed bugs.

Another very useful tip to counteract  the attack of bed bugs :  they do not tolerate strong and pungent odors . Therefore, you could make  solutions based on rosemary, basil or sage . This will ensure that stink bugs never come near your garden again.

Now that you’ve learned how to  make natural bioinsecticides , you can say  goodbye to stink bugs in the garden  forever. If you notice that your plants have been attacked by these insects, in addition to using one of the remedies indicated above, you should also do an additional operation. Which?

You should immediately proceed  to cut off any leaves that are diseased, bitten, or have changed appearance and color . Also clear the soil of  rotting organic matter  that is sure to surround your plant.