How to remove grease deposits from wooden kitchen elements


Keeping the kitchen clean is not a great art. It is important to regularly and in time remove the negative consequences of your culinary skills.

Cleaning work surfaces, as a rule, is a daily task in the kitchen. But fat deposits can cover the tops of suspended items and everything that sits on them.

We will suggest you an effective way to remove grease deposits from wooden surfaces. For this you will need  baking soda  and sunflower oil. From these ingredients, prepare a mixture of medium density in the proportion: 1.5 parts of baking soda and 1 part of oil.

Perform the following operations:

Apply the mixture to the stained wood surface of the kitchen with a soft cloth and dry it with gentle effort. This mixture is not very smooth, so don’t worry.

The wood transforms before your eyes, starts to breathe, becomes clean, looks new.

How to remove grease deposits from wooden kitchen elements

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