Never plant tomatoes in the garden without: Throwing a handful into the soil


Tomatoes in the garden

Iron, zinc and magnesium are basic. Eggshells contain a mineral that is very important for tomatoes:  calcium  . Calcium is necessary for the normal development of the root system; it is involved in cell structures and makes them significantly more resistant to attacks by fungi and parasites. When calcium is missing, we notice it immediately by  a clear signal  : the signs of rot, the rot that gradually begins to split the fruit in two.

How to add eggshells to the soil

The best way to put the eggshell in the ground  is to chop it finely  . It should  be almost powder  or flour like. A spoonful of chopped peel is enough to stick into a fairly deep hole. We sprinkle it with soil and plant our  tomato seeds  on it. Thanks to the crushed peel, our tomatoes can receive a constant  source of calcium during the growth phase  .

This is a  completely sustainable  trick that does not compromise environmental health and the health of our tomatoes in any way. This trick can also be used when caring for all the other elements of our  garden  : it can only be good for them! In addition, it is also   a completely sustainable method from an economic point of view . No more money for chemical fertilizers.