One tea bag is enough to clean the toilet, bathtub and more: how to do it


You will find the solution to clean and disinfect the toilet bowl, bathtub and other bathroom surfaces in a single tea bag. Here’s how it’s possible and how to proceed.

Clean the bathroom with a tea bag

Tea, in addition to being a very tasty drink, can be essential to use in household chores.
We have already commented in other articles how effective home remedies are for cleaning the house, first of all: the use of baking soda and white wine vinegar. Now, another super common ingredient is capable of helping us solve many problems and we are talking precisely about tea; exactly him, that same drink that we drink both in winter (hot) and in summer (cool).

All you need is one sachet of this drink and you can clean and disinfect your toilet with little effort and without spending money.
Obviously we know that there are many products on the market suitable for treating, peeling, perfuming and sanitizing; Some of these are incapable of doing all these things at the same time and, it is often necessary to buy more than one, among other things they are also very aggressive products. For these reasons, today we tell you how it is possible to have a complete 360° action simply using a tea bag.

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