Coffee and orchids: Cultivate flowering and improve growth



Incorporate the Used Coffee Wads
Drying: After preparation, spread the used coffee wads on a flat surface to ensure complete drying, avoiding the growth of mold.
Mixing with Substrate: Mix dried coffee wads with orchid potting soil in a ratio of 1:5 (1 part coffee wads to 5 parts orchid potting mix).
Top Dressing: Alternatively, sprinkle dried coffee wads on the surface of the orchid substrate. When you water the plant, nutrients will seep in to nourish the roots.

Monitoring pH Levels
Test: Due to the acidity of coffee, regular use can affect the pH levels of the orchid substrate. Test the pH periodically using pH test kits readily available at garden stores.
Adjustment: If the substrate becomes excessively acidic, consider reducing the frequency of coffee application or temporarily discontinue.

Precautions and Best Practices

Exercise caution with quantity Orchids are delicate, so moderation is essential. Too much coffee can create overly acidic conditions, potentially damaging the plant. Use coffee sparingly and carefully observe the orchids’ response.
Opt for Filtered Coffee Unfiltered coffee contains compounds that can be harmful to orchids in large quantities. Always use filtered coffee for solutions.
Pest Vigilance Although coffee’s repellent properties are beneficial, the aroma can attract pests such as fungus mosquitoes. When using used coffee wads, make sure they are completely dried to mitigate this risk.
Complementary, Not Substitute Remember that coffee is a supplement, not a complete fertilizer. Continue applying regular orchid fertilizer to ensure the plant receives all the nutrients it needs.

Integrating coffee into orchid care is a fascinating and ecological approach to