Unpleasant odors emanating from your bathroom? In addition to a thorough cleaning of this requested part on a daily basis, you can get rid of it thanks to unstoppable natural tricks.
Whether the odors come from the sink, shower or toilet pipes, these odors are unpleasant in everyday life and ruin our lives. Conventional cleaning products contain chemicals that are toxic to the environment. For this, natural tips continue to be a healthy and ecological alternative.
What tips to fight bad odors in the bathroom?
For a disinfected bathroom and clean toilets, natural ingredients can help. These tips have the merit of being natural and economical. These natural ingredients within reach of our kitchen constitute a healthy alternative to take care of our interior.
– Clove to eradicate bad odors in the bathroom
In addition to its therapeutic virtues, cloves are also used to eliminate bad odors that emanate from bathrooms and toilets.
In fact, cloves have a direct effect on unpleasant odors that come from sewers or even pipes. The objective is to offer a natural solution composed of aromatic plants as an alternative to chemicals that are harmful to health.
Using cloves with other ingredients, such as baking soda and essential oils, helps create a natural solution that challenges toilet odor. To do this, you must:
– 1 liter of water
– 12 cloves
– 10 drops of clove essential oil or another flavor of your choice
– 18 teaspoons of baking soda
Mix these ingredients in a bottle and place it in a corner of the bathroom, making sure to leave the lid open. The liquid will thus absorb the bad smell from the room while spreading a sweet and subtle perfume.
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