The best way to preserve garlic: it does not dry out or germinate, this is how you should store it!


Discover how to preserve fresh garlic and prevent it from drying out or sprouting. Follow these tips for effective conservation.Garlic is an essential ingredient in many recipes due to its unique flavor and health benefits. However, sometimes it can be difficult to keep garlic fresh and in good condition for a long time. The good news is that there is an effective way to preserve garlic to prevent it from drying out or sprouting.In this article, we will show you the best way to preserve garlic, ensuring its freshness and quality for longer.

Way to Preserve Garlic

The first method: preservation with salt and ginger

  1. Prepare a black plastic bag and place the garlic inside, distributing it evenly.
  2. Prepare a paper towel or cheesecloth and sprinkle two tablespoons of table salt on it.
  3. Cut two or three slices of raw ginger.
  4. Place the ginger slices on the paper towel with salt.
  5. Wrap the ginger slices in the paper towel and secure with a rubber band to prevent salt spills.
  6. Insert the paper towel with ginger into the bag of garlic.
  7. Squeeze the air out of the bag before sealing it.
  8. Store the bag in a cool, dry place, preferably in a kitchen cabinet or pantry, avoiding exposure to direct light.
  9. Check the garlic regularly to make sure it remains in good condition and discard any garlic that is spoiled or spoiled.
  10. Continued on next page