The best way to preserve garlic: it does not dry out or germinate, this is how you should store it!


The second method: conservation with cigars

  1. Prepare a food bag or airtight storage bag.
  2. Place the garlic inside the bag, distributing it evenly.
  3. Prepare two cigarettes and place them inside the bag along with the garlic.
  4. Remove the air from the inside of the bag and seal it tightly.
  5. Place the bag in the freezer of the refrigerator, making sure the temperature is below 5 degrees Celsius.
  6. Keep the garlic in the freezer for the desired amount of time, usually several months.
  7. Regularly check the condition of the garlic and discard any garlic in bad condition or with sprouts.
  8. When you need to use the garlic, remove the needed amount from the bag and quickly reseal it.
  9. Always keep the garlic dry and avoid moisture in the bag.
  10. Remember that this method may not be suitable for non-smokers due to the use of cigarettes in the process.

Other interesting tips

The third method: preservation with baking soda

Prepare a food bag or airtight storage bag.

  1. Place the garlic inside the bag, distributing it evenly.
  2. Prepare a paper towel or cheesecloth and pour an appropriate amount of edible baking soda on the paper towel. Then add tea leaves on top of the baking soda.
  3. Wrap the paper towel with the ingredients and secure it with a rubber band to prevent spills.
  4. Place the natural drying bag inside the bag of garlic.
  5. Expel the air from the bag and tie it tightly to seal it airtight.
  6. Tea leaves contain polyphenols that inhibit garlic germination, while baking soda adsorbs excess water.
    Store the bag in a ventilated and dry place.
  7. To consume the garlic, open the plastic bag, take out the garlic and tie it again.

The fourth method: airtight preservation

  1. Start by breaking all the garlic you bought into small cloves.
  2. If there is any soft, wilted or rotten garlic when peeling it, put it aside immediately to prevent it from affecting the others.
  3. Prepare a sealed jar and then place all the garlic cloves in the jar.
  4. Proceed to close the lid of the jar tightly to prevent moisture and isolate air. This will reduce the oxygen concentration and slow the respiration of the garlic.
  5. Reducing sunlight, air, and humidity prevents garlic from germinating and growing.
  6. The sealed jar allows easy access to garlic whenever it is needed.

If you have any questions regarding the procedure, we invite you to watch the following video: