Do not forget the last fertilization of garlic – for the growth of the crop!


Garlic cultivation, like that of other vegetable crops, depends on several important factors and aspects. Caring for him at different stages of growth and development has certain peculiarities, which should not be ignored. The initial fertilization, rich in nitrogen, aims to stimulate the development of roots and vegetative mass. At some point they need to be cut off, so that not only many well-developed tails result, but also beautiful bulbs. At this time it is important to apply the last fertilization of the garlic, which specifically stimulates the development of the bulbs.

Thus, in order to develop beautiful bulbs, the plant must have a well-represented vegetative mass. Therefore, nitrogen fertilizers are used (for example, urea, ammonium phosphate, grass infusion, etc.) until it develops 8-10 green, long and rather thick. This is a sign that the plant is strong enough and ready for bulb development. It is during this period that it must be fertilized with a fertilizer rich in potassium. We prefer potassium monophosphate or wood/grass ash, but you can use any other fertilizer rich in this important mineral element.

It would be best to apply 2 potassium fertilizers 10 to 14 days apart.


First variant:

-o lingură de monofosfat de potassium;

-10 liters of apă.

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