Unusual replanting of the orchid in a system without substrate!


Orchids are plants that can grow and develop well, even without substrate. Transplanting an orchid into a substrate-free system is very simple. The most important aspect is the careful preparation of the root system.

Before putting purchased orchids next to other plants, you should quarantine them in a separate place and necessarily treat them with a spray against harmful insects.

Once the plant has spent some time in quarantine, you can replant it. If the orchid was contaminated by fungus, invaded by pests or its flowers began to fade, cut off its flower stem, leaving a piece with a few buds. Carefully remove the orchid from the pot and remove any substrate that has stuck to its roots. Wash the roots in the shower, then remove any dry and rotten ones.

After cleaning and removing the substrate and stuck-on bark, place the orchid in an appropriately sized pot.

Since they are not used to growing without substrate, its roots may begin to dry out. This is why it is important to water them with water every day. If the weather is hot and dry, the number of water sprays can be increased to three per day.

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