Bay leaf in laundry detergent, for very fragrant clothes: use it like this


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Bay leaf in laundry detergent, for highly scented clothes: use it this way

Laurel for clothes: how to do it

Laurel can have a variety of functions and can evoke different images. Some will think of the delicious scent it sends out, a real godsend, others will connect it with the idea of ​​victory, as was the case in the past. In fact, bay leaf was the plant dear to the god  Apollo , which is why we associate it today, for example, with obtaining a university degree. Still others, at the word laurel, will think of succulent delicacies, seasoned with this plant which, in fact, is also used in cooking.

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But perhaps there is still something missing for us. Our grandmothers keep a secret that could prove useful for household chores. What are we talking about ? the use of  bay leaf  in  laundry detergent. The results are incredible.

Laurel, on the other hand, is very easy to obtain. So if you don’t have a fresh plant, don’t despair. Not only is it often found growing wild in fields, but it can be found in powdered or dried form at the supermarket.

How to use it for laundry? If we have fresh leaves, they will be less likely to break and we can put them in the basket. Otherwise, and it would always be better, we can put them in a bag that preserves them. In any case, regardless of how we want to add it, the essential oils will be taken into the linen and you will immediately notice some benefits.

For example, bay leaf strengthens fibers, giving your tissues greater resistance to stress. And that’s not all: they will also appear brighter  and full of color. Not to mention how your clothes will smell. When to add it to the wash? Either before the start or before the last lap.