Say goodbye to leftover detergent and mold from the washing machine drawer


Any household appliance deserves regular maintenance. In the case of the washing machine, certain manipulations allow you to have a machine that is always in perfect condition and which ensures good laundry. Among the most forgotten compartments we have the laundry drawer which usually accommodates cleaning products. We wrongly think that this drawer is always clean and yet the accumulation of leftover fabric softeners, detergents and additives encourages the proliferation of bacteria, mold and bad odors. The latter is accentuated in the presence of obstruction in the ducts. So, it is important to clean the laundry drawers periodically.

Say goodbye to leftover detergent and mold from the washing machine drawer
To do a thorough cleaning, you need to find out how to disassemble the tray by referring to the instructions. Generally, there must be a snap button or lever that allows the component to be extracted.

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