Spread this ingredient on your mattress and disinfect it instantly! My grandmother used to do that!



Fight against mites

Mattresses are also favorite places for    dust mites    . Therefore, using some tricks to scare them and eliminate their gifts can be really essential. First of all, you must use a vacuum cleaner to try to suck up the insects and possibly their eggs.

Then,    we sprinkle everything with    baking soda    and    use a brush to distribute it in each corner of the mattress. Let it sit for a few hours and vacuum to remove the excess. The operation must be carried out on each side and periodically.

Refreshes the mattress by removing stains

Another way to make the mattress fresher and more aesthetically pleasing is to remove any stains present. Let’s think about the    yellow spots    that tend to form, generally caused by sweat.

We could use    vinegar    , spray it and let it sit for at least ten minutes. Then sprinkle a little    baking soda    and leave to act. The stain will be removed!

Other stains may also appear, such as   blood stains    . In this case, you have to use another trick. Mix a cup of    hydrogen peroxide    with a little salt and Marseille soap. At this point we create a kind of paste and pour the mixture onto the mattress.

We leave it to act until everything dries and begin to remove the waste. We touch it carefully with a cloth soaked in hydrogen peroxide and after a while we will notice the surprising result!