Steel in the kitchen will shine instantly: one tablespoon is enough


Although fashion is also evolving in the furniture sector, steel remains one of the omnipresent materials in the kitchen. It doesn’t matter whether you have a gas or induction hob, in all likelihood it is mainly composed of this metal alloy (iron and carbon), an excellent conductor of heat, insulating and safe, but above all very resistant over time.

There is no doubt about its durability and robustness, but nor about its certain delicacy: it is, in fact, very easy to scratch, it gets dirty so easily that we are obliged to maintain it daily.

The good news, however, is that all it takes is a tablespoon of vinegar to make it look like new again!

Let’s find out together how to do it!

Steel in the kitchen will shine with just one tablespoon of vinegar

Steel in the kitchen will shine with just one tablespoon of vinegar

You have just finished cooking and the stove presents you with the bill: splashes of fat and grease, limescale stains, stubborn encrustations, dull areas! What a disaster !

The biggest temptation is to take an abrasive sponge and start cleaning everything with a good steel-specific detergent! Stop! Stop immediately, it will ruin it irreparably!

First point: never use metal sponges, the memory of their use will remain clearly visible from the scratches on the surface!

Secondly, why spend unnecessary money on chemicals that are harmful to our health and the environment when we have one of the most effective ingredients for cleaning steel?

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