Steel in the kitchen will shine instantly: one tablespoon is enough


Open your pantry and look for white wine vinegar, which you will surely have available at home!

One tablespoon is enough for:

  • Eliminate scratches:  If you have acted impulsively in the past and the steel cooktop is scratched, run vinegar along the line. Leave on for a quarter of an hour, then rinse and dry thoroughly;
  • Polish:  Are the pans dull and have lost their shine? The cause is probably to be found in too aggressive detergents which have corroded the surface patina. Dampen a microfiber cloth under the tap, squeeze it well and pour a tablespoon of vinegar on it. Now rub it thoroughly on the compromised area. Do not rinse, let dry and enjoy the result;
  • Get rid of stubborn encrustations  of fat, grease and lime: even then they will disappear with just one tablespoon of vinegar. Pour it onto a soft sponge and rub over the stain until it disappears. Rinse with lukewarm water and pat dry to avoid streaks; This method is also particularly effective on the sink, but in this case, let the pure vinegar act for 10 minutes before scrubbing with the sponge;
  • Clean the fires  : Without a doubt, after so much work, they too need a good purifying bath. Remove the grates and wipe them with a cloth dampened with vinegar, the dirt will disappear instantly. Soak the fires for at least an hour in a solution of hot water and 4 tablespoons of vinegar. After this time, rub them with a sponge and rinse.

The whole kitchen will shine like never before!