This is why many people rub an onion slice on the windows of their home.


Do you know why so many people rub onions on their windows? You won’t believe it, but it achieves an incredible result.

Onion on the window

Although it is an unusual gesture, rubbing onions on the windows is undoubtedly a very original method    to make them shine again    . It’s true, with this gesture you will clean the windows perfectly, see how to do it!

Onion on the windows of the house: the reasons

Although it is an unconventional solution,    using onions to clean windows    is a method that    guarantees results beyond expectations    . Very useful in the case of very dirty, greasy windows or with a lot of fingerprints stuck on them, this method really works and you must adopt it to guarantee impeccable cleaning of the window, and all in just a few minutes.

In fact, you will not have to make any effort to remove dirt    and grease    , because the active ingredients present in the onion will melt any trace like snow in the sun and the dirt will disappear practically immediately. This method    has nothing to do with the usual degreasers    that we use, which instead of removing dirt add more.

Onions on the windows of the house.

In fact, the onion immediately removes traces of grease and dirt on the glass and you just need to wipe it with a cloth to remove everything in one go. To use onions to clean windows, you can even choose    the method you prefer    , since    you have two at your disposal    .

Two methods for using onions.

There are two ways to use onions to clean windows at home, both of which are effective. Here they are, you will choose which one to use:

  • Half onion or onion ring method    : Cut the onion in half or take a slice and rub it on the glass. This is a great method for    removing insect droppings    that stick to glass and the dry spots that often form. If you continue to scrub, you will notice that the glass will gradually become cleaner and free of all traces of dirt. To finish the job    , take a dry cloth and gently polish    the glass. Remove all dirt and buff until no stains remain. This way, with just an onion or two slices you can clean an entire door and leave it very clean;
  • Onion-in-water method    : The onion-in-water method involves    cutting an onion in half    and placing one in water. Choose a bucket for cleaning the glass, add a little water and immerse half an onion in it.
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