Aluminum balls in the washing machine, do it before turning it on: you save a lot of money


Save a lot of money by using an aluminum ball: it may seem absurd but it is true. We will explain why.

There is a very simple trick that will help you on two different fronts: get a perfect wash and save a lot of money on your electricity bill. The only thing you need is aluminum foil .

Tear a large enough sheet of paper and roll it into a ball until it is a perfectly spherical shape . You will need it to get a perfect laundry and save a lot on bills. Let’s see together how to use the aluminum ball.
Aluminum pellet in the washing machine.

It may certainly seem trivial, but it is more effective than it seems. All you need is a tool that we all have at home: aluminum foil . We only need one tear and with this trick we will significantly improve our laundry and our finances. More and more people adopt this method: they put the aluminum ball into the drum of the washing machine . But why?

Adding aluminum to the washing machine drum is a technique that replaces the classic fabric softener. To obtain soft and scented clothes we are willing to use large amounts of chemicals, causing great damage to the environment and even greater damage to our pocket.
How does it work?

With the aluminum ball everything changes: by putting it in the washing machine we can obtain very soft clothes without having to use expensive chemicals. You just have to make sure that the basket is not too full, as this would make it useless. The aluminum sphere should reach the size of a tennis ball, and what it will do in the drum is facilitate the movement of the washing machine.
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