During the day, among all the household chores we cannot fail to take care of the laundry , whether to be washed by hand or in the washing machine .
Natural remedies are a valid alternative to washing clothes in the washing machine . Each one has peculiar characteristics, they are ecological and economical.
Today we talk about the excellent properties of sodium bicarbonate and how we can use it comfortably in the washing machine . Let’s begin!
Bicarbonate to eliminate bad odors
Using Sodium Bicarbonate could be the turning point if you have ever noticed bad odors on your laundry , even freshly washed laundry. Let’s see how to use it both by hand and in the washing machine .
In the washing machine
One of the problems that occur most when washing clothes in the washing machine is bad smells.
There are various causes, first of all the limescale or dirt accumulated in the drain pipes. Furthermore, excessive use of detergents leaves a very unpleasant odor on clothes over time.
Sodium bicarbonate has powerful absorbent abilities , it will be our best ally to effectively eliminate that musty smell from the washing machine and clothes .
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