If you are wondering how much bicarbonate should be used in the washing machine , know that a small amount is really enough to add to each wash to notice the difference. The most suitable dose is approximately 25 grams , which corresponds to a spoonful .

Many wonder where it is best to put bicarbonate of soda in the washing machine . Pour it into the drawer , combined with your usual detergent. Obviously we recommend using ecological and environmentally friendly detergents.

Furthermore, bicarbonate promotes the natural whiteness of clothes , so use it safely even if you intend to whiten your laundry.

If your clothes have a very strong, unpleasant odor (such as the smell of sweat ), you may need to soak the clothes before your regular machine wash.

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In this case, also based on the quantity of items to be treated, place approximately 200 grams of bicarbonate in a basin of 4 liters of water . If possible, leave it on overnight. Then proceed with the usual washing.

Based on the labels we find inside the garments, we know that some cannot be hand washed, but dry cleaned .

Even in case of bad odors, you can dry clean your clothes using our dear Natural Remedy .

For example, we can sprinkle the garment with bicarbonate of soda and place it in a bag, shaking it gently. Let it rest for a few hours. The absorbent properties of baking soda will eliminate any unpleasant odors.
Baking soda for whitening laundry

Among the countless virtues of bicarbonate in the washing machine , we must pay attention to a particular action that it carries out.

It has whitening and cleaning properties , excellent both for eliminating stains but also for restoring white garments to their original whiteness.

As? Very simple: pour a cup of bicarbonate of soda together with the ecological detergent you usually use. The remedy is more effective if inserted when the washing machine has loaded all the water. This way it melts better!

If we have more clothes to wash, we can also double the dose. Or, to facilitate dissolution, it can be poured directly into the washing machine drum .
Baking soda to pre-treat stains

Let’s now talk about an alternative use of bicarbonate before the usual washing in the washing machine. Bicarbonate has stain – removing and absorbent properties . Precisely for this reason we can use it to pre-treat the most difficult to remove stains .

Excellent for oil stains and sweat stains, we can create a very simple paste with enough water and baking soda . We apply it with a spoon and massage the area, leaving it to act for a few hours.

If the garment is white, we can combine it with a little hydrogen peroxide , excellent for whitening.

This “ do-it-yourself cream ” made of hydrogen peroxide and bicarbonate is a remedy loved by many for whitening grout too , as you will discover in this video :
Bicarbonate to prevent limescale

Compared to its companion, white vinegar , bicarbonate of soda is a basic solution, so it does not remove limescale from the washing machine .
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