I put the apples in boiling water and I don’t spend another cent. That’s what my grandmother did!


Apple cider vinegar is very famous, not only for its delicate taste, but also for its  therapeutic virtues , so to speak. For its production, the apple must or cider is fermented, which means that it contains all the benefits of the fruit from which it comes:  it is a source of vitamins and minerals and has slimming properties.

Its cloudy liquid often has sediments which indicate its authenticity, provided however that it is not of industrial origin. In this case, in fact, it is mainly filtered and pasteurized, thus losing many characteristics, precisely those that make it a unique and healthy product. Finally, the addition of sulphites to extend its shelf life ends up compromising its organoleptic purity and weakening it.

If, on the one hand, it is also useful for household cleaning, the same cannot be said for food. So it would be better to prepare it at home with DIY.

You might not know it, but not only is it possible, it’s also super simple! However, a long rest period must be taken into account for fermentation to take place correctly.

Let’s see how to do it!

I make apple cider vinegar like this

Apple cider vinegar has a clear presence of  beneficial bacteria  for  the intestines.  This makes it a food capable  of anticipating  the feeling of  satiety,  acting as an appetite suppressant. In addition, the minerals released by  phosphorus , magnesium and  iron  contribute to proper metabolic functioning, accelerating the destruction and elimination of fats absorbed through food. This is why it is considered a natural slimming agent, with virtually no contraindications other than a slight increase in acidic pH. Do not take it if you suffer from gastritis or ulcers, otherwise give the green light to its use in your daily diet. As a condiment, it is delicate, yet flavorful and adds flavor to our recipes.

Preparing it at home is simple, but a recommendation is essential.  Only source   organic and locally sourced apples . They must be completely free of pesticides to ferment properly. As expected, in fact, this food comes from a fermentation process, which is accelerated by the authenticity of the fruits and their advanced state of maturity.

You must have :

  • 5 green apples
  • 1 liter of water
  • 50g caster sugar
  • 1 liter of filtered or boiled water

Sterilize a liter container  by boiling it in a pot of water for half an hour.

Continued on next page