I’ll tell you my grandmother’s foolproof trick for getting immaculate shirt collars!


Let it thicken, then spread it over the affected areas and let it sit for 15 minutes. After this time, brush well. At this point, if you still notice the presence of halos, repeat again. Finally, wash the garment as usual, following the instructions on the label.

Marseille soap is also a powerful stain remover. Spread it over the collar and cuffs, then rub the fabrics. Let it sit for ten minutes, then proceed as usual.

Lastly, the amazing trick to removing stains from shirts lies in the use of dish soap.

Unthinkable, right?!? Simply pour a small amount onto the affected areas and rub it in. Now, let the shirt soak in cold water. From time to time, rub again. Continue this way for an hour before putting it in the washing machine and starting the appropriate program!

Easy, right?