Olive tree in a pot, here is the technique to grow it at its best: strong and leafy


Then you can even proceed by giving the plane a shape, this can be conical and cylindrical, conical or cylindrical. The important thing is to always maintain the same shape of the plant, from the first pruning carried out by the operator. In general, it is important to know that pruning should be done in a way that tilts the plant downwards to allow optimal drainage of the plant with rainwater and prevent fungi from taking root.

After the first pruning, therefore during subsequent interventions, it is only necessary to cut the branches so that they protrude so as not to form excessively vigorous branches. Therefore, it is advisable to start from the top and work your way down.
Olive trees in soil and in pots, here are the dangerous parasites

Regarding the difference between olive trees in soil and those in pots, it is important to say that those in pots cannot produce fruit. So the purpose of cultivation cannot be this. However, this does not mean that they can consider themselves immune to diseases. For example, field olive trees can become diseased due to the olive fly, also called fruit fly.

Otherwise, potted olive trees can be attacked by another parasite called mealybug. To know if the plant has been attacked, it is necessary to observe its leaves. If they have dried out, if they fall off on their own prematurely, then the answer is yes. In addition, as if that were not enough, this type of olive tree can also fall prey to fungi. That’s why we recommend using a copper product that keeps them away. Copper-based products are useful for prevention.