Wash the floor with this mixture, it will smell for several days and the aroma will be felt from the stairs!


Wash the floor with this mixture, it will smell for several days and the aroma will be felt from the stairs!

Cleaning the floors at home is essential; it is necessary to wash them thoroughly and disinfect them properly. Instead of using the classic detergents available on the market, prepare a very simple floor cleaner! Learn how to make the perfect DIY mix.
Scented floor for several days: its aroma will be felt from the stairs!

To perfectly clean and perfume the floors in your home, we recommend that you prepare a homemade detergent. Before proceeding to prepare the solution, you will need to obtain the following ingredients:

3 tablespoons of organic fabric softener based on eucalyptus and essential oils (or one of your choice)
1 tablespoon baking soda
3 cups of water

As you can see, these are not difficult ingredients to find. Once you have them back, learn how to proceed to make the magic mixture. Follow the steps and make a perfect homemade floor cleaner.
Here we explain how to do it

Set aside all the necessary ingredients and follow these simple steps:

Combine the different ingredients: To start, place the laundry fabric softener inside a container, add baking soda and pour in the necessary water.
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