Washing machine sealing, eliminate all mold with this home remedy


Washing machine sealing, eliminate all mold with this home remedy

Constant use of the washing machine contributes to the accumulation of a large amount of dirt on the washer gasket, putting it at risk of breakage.

When too much dirt is deposited on the rubber, it can take on a dark tone and also give off an unpleasant musty smell.

As curious as it may seem that the washing machine can get dirty, it is almost natural! In fact, lime and detergent deposits, mold and dirty clothes are elements that can contribute to dirtying the washing machine and reducing its effectiveness.
Why it is important to clean the seal of your washing machine

When you do not take care of your washing machine, a hygiene problem can arise that can also attack your clothes, so cleaning the washing machine gasket, which has now turned black and moldy, is essential.

One of the most important appliances in the home is the washing machine, since it guarantees the cleanliness and hygiene of all our clothes in an easy and safe way.

For this reason , it is essential to carry out a periodic check, especially when the washing machine gasket loses its color and becomes covered with mold.

To maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of the washing machine seal you can use different systems, one of these is the trick of the two cloths, let’s see which one it is.
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