Colorful T-shirts: With leaf makeup, my t-shirts never faded. This is how I do it!


This aromatic plant is not only phenomenal in the kitchen to perfume meats, fish, sauces, etc.; It is not simply a natural digestive, if taken in the form of an infusion; Not only is it an air freshener if you boil it in a pot of water (it can also neutralize the intense smell of fried foods)… It is much more than that.

We have often talked to you about its properties , but not yet about what it can do for clothes . It is also worth including this peculiarity among the various reasons why it should never be missing from the pantry.

To get the most out of it, you need 10 leaves and 4 tablespoons of baking soda.

Pour plenty of water into a saucepan, add bay leaf and baking soda, put on heat and bring to a boil. Lower the gas and let it cook for about twenty minutes. The baking soda must dissolve completely and the bay leaf, with prolonged high temperatures, will be able to release all its essential oils into the infusion liquid.

After this time, turn off the heat and let it cool , then pour the mixture into a container, submerge your faded clothes. Let them sit in this solution for a full day and night.

The next day, take them back, squeeze them, and put them in the washing machine. Proceed with your usual washing, hang them outdoors and enjoy their renewed splendor!