How to keep insects away from the house with baking soda


How to keep insects away from the house with baking soda

2. An Ant-Free Abode with Baking Soda

Ants have a thing for sweets, and you can use this to your advantage.


Mix equal parts of baking soda and powdered sugar.

Scatter this mix in ant-frequented spots, especially entryways or their familiar routes.

The sweetness lures the ants, but the baking soda they cart back home works its magic against them.

3. Showing Cockroaches the Door

Those resilient roaches meet their match with baking soda.


Blend equal measures of baking soda and sugar.

Pour this concoction into small dishes or caps.

Station these containers in roach hotspots.

As the sugar beckons them, baking soda ensures they don’t overstay.

4. Bidding Silverfish Goodbye

If moist, shadowy corners are silverfish havens in your house, here’s how baking soda can help.
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