Soak eggshells in water, which is why more and more people are doing it!


Although it is very good for you, you should not exceed the amounts recommended by experts. In general, you should consume a maximum of four eggs per week , no more. Furthermore, the egg is a complete food, you eat almost everything and nothing is thrown away . The casing can also be used for some important purposes. Eggs are also very versatile and can be cooked in many different ways , for example, you can prepare them soft-boiled, fried, scrambled or omelette. In addition to the yolk, in many cases you can also use just the egg white, which is a perfect thickener.

Simply put, you really can do anything with eggs and we can enjoy them in a variety of ways, depending on our preferences.
Why put eggshells in hot water?

You may not know that eggs, in addition to being used in cooking, are also really essential in the cosmetics sector. For example, egg white is very important for hair care , as it makes it soft, shiny and deeply nourishes it. Another part of the egg that you can easily reuse is the shell.

Eggshells are perfect for gardening as they help restore the soil’s pH balance. To reuse them in this way, you will need to wash them well and let them dry well for a day. After the necessary hours, you can cut the peels into many small pieces and scatter them inside the pots or on the soil where you grew your plants. There is also another very effective method to promote plant health. You can boil eggshells in hot water and then use the water to water the soil.