Take rosemary and put it in a jar, my grandmother taught me that, you can’t imagine how useful it is!


Take rosemary and put it in a jar, my grandmother taught me that, you can’t imagine how useful it is!

Take rosemary and put it in a jar, it will be very useful and not only in the kitchen!

Rosemary is one of the most popular aromatic plants, easy to grow in the garden or on the terrace. This spice has excellent properties and its intense flavor makes recipes much tastier and more appetizing. Have you ever tried putting rosemary sprigs in a jar? Try it, you will get an incredible result!
Rosemary: a very precious ancient plant

The origins of rosemary are very ancient , the use of this plant has spread in distant times, especially in Asia, Africa and Europe. Rosemary has excellent therapeutic properties and the ancient Egyptians used it as a magical herb , believing that it could even give immortality. Rosemary also appears in ancient Rome, in fact, the Romans used to burn the twigs during sacrifices to the gods to purify the air.

Even today, rosemary is a precious aromatic plant that we cannot do without. Thanks to rosemary it is possible to enhance the flavors and aromas of all your recipes. Generally, the rosemary plant withstands both the high temperatures of the summer season and the harsh cold of winter . If you want to grow rosemary in the garden or on the terrace, we recommend choosing a fairly sunny place and protecting the plant with a cloth during the winter.
Try putting rosemary sprigs in a jar!
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