Cake without flour and oil: it has few calories and is super creamy



First of all I take the eggs and divide the yolks from the whites.

In the bowl of egg whites I pour, in 2 batches, half the granulated sugar indicated in the recipe and work with the electric whisk. I continue working until the mixture forms stiff peaks.

At this point I put the result aside and retrieve the bowl of egg yolks. I add the remaining granulated sugar and also the vanilla. Then I work with the electric whisk until I obtain a liquid mixture.

Then I add the yogurt and start mixing again with the appliance. When everything is well mixed, I pour in the starch and the grated lemon peel. I still work with the electric whisk.

Once the mixture is ready, I add the egg white mixture, little by little, with a spatula using slow, circular movements from bottom to top.

All I have to do is take a round mold with a diameter of 18 centimeters and line it with a sheet of baking paper. I transfer the dough inside and level it well.

Then I bake in a hot oven for 35 – 40 minutes at 160 degrees.

When the cake is ready I let it cool and then I remove it from the mold to decorate it with icing sugar.

Enjoy your meal.