Citric acid: solves 6 problems in the blink of an eye


Citric acid: solves 6 problems in the blink of an eye

Citric acid: solves 6 problems in the blink of an eye

Cleaning the bathroom , let’s face it, is a struggle!

Every time you try to keep him lucid at least throughout the day, but you don’t always succeed.

In fact, many solutions go through the mind to obtain the long-awaited result but the right one is never found.

However, the effective solution to use is much simpler than you think. You just have to find the secret ingredient that picks up all kinds of dirt and sends it all away in the blink of an eye.

The secret ingredient that may be right for you is definitely citric acid .

By using citric acid you can easily solve 6 problems that can occur in the bathroom. You will see that you will immediately notice the difference.

Obviously, before trying to use it on surfaces, you have to test it on inconspicuous corners to make sure it doesn’t damage or stain anything.

Read on to find out how to use it.
Citric acid: these are the problems it can solve.

As already mentioned, citric acid in the bath can become a valuable friend, you just need to use it at the right time.


The biggest problem in a bathroom is, without a doubt, lime. Limestone, day after day, has the ability to take over every corner of your bathroom fixtures, tiles, and shower. Citric acid can remove it in no time and makes everything look new. Simply create a solution with 150 grams of citric acid dissolved in 1 liter of water and then spray the mixture on all lime areas. After 10 minutes, wipe with a sponge and the limescale will disappear with it.


Of course, bad smells in the bathroom are the order of the day. Indoor odor, stagnant water, and sewage can take over your bathroom. Before it happens, making the air unbreathable, appropriate measures must be taken. In this case, you need to take a bowl and fill it with 1 tablespoon of baking soda, 3 drops of citrus essential oil , 1 tablespoon of citric acid, and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice . If the result seems too thick , you will need to add a few drops of water . Then mix until you obtain a homogeneous mixture. Finally, place the result wherever you want to eliminate bad odors from the bathroom.

Bad smell in the exhaust

A trick to combat bad odor coming from drains is to use 1 heaped tablespoon of citric acid in each drain and 2 tablespoons instead to place in the toilet . After one night you have to pour a bucket of boiling water down the drain and the bad smells will disappear.
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