Growing date seeds


The date palm is an extremely resistant plant that requires little maintenance. It can be grown quite simply from a date stone . You just need a little patience to get them to germinate.

Before starting the germination process, make sure to clean the pit well. It is best to get rid of any remaining flesh or skin to reduce the chances of fungus appearing.

Day 1

Start by soaking the date stones in water.
Make sure to place them in a warm place (behind the refrigerator, in the kitchen, next to a radiator in winter, etc.). You will need to change the water every 2 or 3 days and clean the container to prevent any growth of fungus that could cause your seed to die.

Day 10

Roots begin to appear in the center of the pits.

Day 15

When the roots have reached 5 to 10 millimeters, you must plant them directly in the ground (or surround them with cotton as I did to be able to monitor their growth). The pits should be planted vertically so that the roots point downward. Very important: the earth (or cotton) must always be damp. You can also wait until the roots reach 1 centimeter to plant your core.
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