My grandmother’s trick is to store fruit for a year without a refrigerator


My grandmother has a beautiful cherry tree at the bottom of the garden. As summer approached, tradition required us to go pick sultana cherries with my cousins. It was crazy that there were so many! Everyone in the neighborhood used it, our neighbors, friends, my mom even sent it to me at work via Colissimo once! But we still had many on the left….

So if someone asks me, how to preserve fresh fruit, they answer me! I did this my entire childhood. We’re not complaining, but after a while we just have to eat cherries all summer. Ah, grandma’s famous jars… Let’s discover all the tips and tricks for better preserving fruit and vegetables.

How can you enjoy the sweet flavors of summer all year round? Don’t have the annoying habit of throwing even a small rotten plum into your fruit basket. Food waste is very present in our homes. Remember to constantly check the expiry date of your foods to intervene at the right time.

Especially if you are lucky enough to have a vegetable garden and grow your own fruit and vegetables, it is a shame to throw the fruit of your hard work in the garbage.

There are several tips, it’s up to you to choose based on your tastes and above all based on the fruit you have at home. All preservatives have the same objective: to prevent the development of bacteria.
The freezer

According to British garden designer Mark Lane, freezing is the easiest way to preserve fruit and vegetables. It’s also a great way to enjoy ripe fruit all year round.

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