Removes limescale from the washing machine, two tablespoons of this ingredient are enough.


The key is to  use your device responsibly  and perform consistent maintenance. There are several things we can do to keep the washing machine working perfectly for many more years.

For example, depending on the hardness of the water you use, a general rule in the product packaging used for the washing machine indicates the recommended amount to use depending on the amount of laundry and the hardness of the water. water  .

Filter cleaning is the part of the appliance where all clothing residue accumulates, such as lint, buttons, coins, etc. From time to time  this filter should be cleaned  , preferably after carrying out a high temperature wash.

Descale the washing machine

Eliminating accumulated limescale is not the only solution to prolong the life of your washing machine, in addition of course to prevention, that is to say regulating the  hardness of the water before it arrives in the washing machine.

To do this, you need  to install a water softener  that modulates the hardness of the water in the area where you live to optimal levels for your washing machine. But this is quite expensive equipment.

So, the following tip will not only save you from breaking your machine but  will also save you money on your bills. 

To prepare this solution to the problem of removing limescale in the washing machine, you just need to equip yourself with:

  • Bicarbonate de sodium
  • Sell ​​them more brut
  • Cascade
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