Savory courgette cake: grandma’s recipe but light. It has only 240 kcal



I recover the courgettes and remove the ends and then cut them into rounds. I place them on a baking tray covered with a sheet of baking paper after pouring a drizzle of oil over them.

Then I add the chopped onion and a drizzle of oil on top. I add salt, pepper, paprika and dried oregano and cook in the oven for 17 – 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

In the meantime I break the eggs into a bowl. I add the grated parmesan, a little salt, dried oregano, pepper and sweet paprika. I continue pouring in the breadcrumbs and mix with a hand whisk.

Once I have obtained a homogeneous mixture, I take a 20 centimeter round mold and cover it with a sheet of baking paper. Then I use oil to grease it and sprinkle some breadcrumbs on top.

At this point I take the courgettes out of the oven and add them to the egg mixture. I mix well and when everything is homogeneous I transfer half of it into the mold.

Level and add the cheese cut into pieces on the surface. I cover everything with the remaining dough. On the surface I add a little more breadcrumbs and a little grated parmesan. I pour a little more oil and take everything into the oven to cook for 25 minutes at 180 degrees.

Enjoy your meal.