Stringy vegetable timbale, light and tasty. Ready in no time


Stringy vegetable timbale, light and tasty. Ready in no time

A healthy, genuine, light and delicious dish at the same time, thanks to the presence of cheese which makes it stringy and appetizing.

Seeing it like this, golden on the surface with a crunchy crust, no one will be able to resist! And you, unless you can tell, with minimal effort you will have baked a recipe that satisfies the palate without weighing down the figure, but warms the heart and restores the body from the day’s fatigue.

Getting together around the table to talk about the salient events and the facts that have happened, in front of such a wonder will put everyone in a good mood, ready to exchange affection and support even in the first cool autumn evenings, when the climate invites introspection.

What are you waiting for then? Get to work, let’s  get started!

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