Taps full of lime, this ingredient is more powerful than baking soda: like new


Taps full of lime, this ingredient is more powerful than baking soda: like new

Limescale forms naturally in even the cleanest homes. But here’s a way to clean your faucets and make them look new again.

Home faucets often have scale and this depends on the lime that is present in the water . In fact, limescale is not related to the state of cleanliness, but depends on where you live. In fact, there are more calcareous areas and less calcareous areas. And if there are any in your home, here is a remedy that can help you make the faucets work as if they were new.

Water has certain amounts of calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate. And depending on the presence of these, it can be soft water, therefore without lime, or hard water, or with lime. When water is hard, the remaining water evaporates, releasing carbon dioxide that accumulates in calcium carbonate deposits.

For this reason, housework and general cleaning should not be seen as something that needs to be done quickly. You can’t do anything with lime, even if you clean it every day it will come . To beat it you don’t need to go to the supermarket to buy chemical detergents since then you can eliminate it with natural ingredients and in addition to saving money you will also help the environment.
Here’s how to clean limescale taps

To have a clean, shiny and lime-free faucet you don’t need baking soda as you might think. In fact, combined with vinegar and hot water, baking soda is very effective. But many people do not like the strong smell of vinegar and that is why there are other methods and here we propose an alternative.

You would never imagine that vodka is a remedy for limescale. Simply dampen a soft cloth with vodka and leave it wrapped around the faucet. Leave it there for at least an hour and then simply rinse and dry with a dry cloth.
Other remedies to remove limescale
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