Yellowed plastic trays, the infallible method to degrease them in just a few seconds


Plastic trays usually turn yellow but there is a foolproof remedy to make them look new again. Here’s how to do it.

Plastic containers are very versatile containers, useful for workers and students who have to carry lunch with them. But not only that, they are also often used to preserve some already cooked foods such as ragù or vegetables.

However, they get dirty very easily and yellowish marks are created on the inside despite frequent washing. This happens precisely because of the fats that foods contain. However, there is a quick method to remove these marks and make the containers look like new again. Some remedies are listed below.
Yellowed trays: this is how they look like new again

What you should do is take the yellowish container and pour some absorbent paper inside with a little liquid dish soap and warm water. Then you have to close the container and shake well. Once this step is done, open the container and tear the sheet of absorbent paper into pieces and then shake again.

This process will allow the absorbent paper to absorb all the water. After about 60 seconds you should remove all the absorbent paper and pour the remaining liquid down the drain. Then rinse the container well and it will be like new without the yellow marks that are so ugly to look at.
Remedies for yellowed plastic
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