Yellowed plastic trays, the infallible method to degrease them in just a few seconds


After a certain time, plastic tends to yellow due to frequent use. The causes may be substances present in the air such as cigarette smoke or sun exposure. In fact, it is very likely that garden furniture will change color over time.

However, it is possible to use specific products to whiten plastic . An example is a mixture of bleach and baking soda with cold water. Rub the yellowish part with a well-wrung abrasive sponge and leave it to act for about 10 minutes before rinsing. Repeat the operation several times until you obtain a good result. It takes a lot of patience.

However, if the objects to be cleaned are smaller, they can be immersed directly in a container filled with water with two measuring spoons of hydrogen peroxide after having previously washed them with liquid dish soap. Let it soak for a few hours and then rinse and let it dry in the open air, but not in direct sun.

For plastic garden furniture such as sofas, tables and chairs, there is yet another remedy. These objects are usually white and give that extra touch to the garden, but precisely because they are outdoors they tend to spoil much more quickly.

A better method to clean them is with water and Marseille soap. Scrub the outdoor furniture well with a sponge and then rinse. Then dry the entire surface with a microfiber cloth.

But in addition to Marseille soap, you can also prepare a mixture with three parts vinegar and seven parts water and then proceed in the same way as with soap. There are also specific products on the market to make outdoor furniture look new again. They are true detergents that protect against the chemical reaction caused by sunlight.