7 Clove Tips Every Woman Should Know


We dry this clove flower bud in the sun to make it

brown and hard, making it a spicy and tangy flavored spice.

Used in Asia for over 2,000 years for its medicinal
and culinary properties, cloves have become as popular as pepper since their arrival in Europe in the Middle Ages.

95% of global clove production goes to
Indonesian cigarette production, despite its popularity as a spice

This situation is partly explained by the fact that the clove tree is fragile, and its fruits are harvested only from
the eighth year of life and rarely blooms,
because the flower buds are harvested before the petals appear.

Growers then harvest the flower buds and dry them until they turn brown.

  • From stomach pain

By steeping 4 or 5 cloves in a large cup of
boiling water for about ten minutes, you can get a beneficial drink that helps fight various digestive problems,
especially stomach aches and bloating.

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