4 Healthy Salad Recipes for Weight Loss


If you're looking to lose weight, salads are bound to be a big part of your life, but that doesn't mean you have to pile on the same old toppings day in and day out! All of these healthy salad recipes support weight loss goals, fuel the body, and satisfy your taste buds with their fresh flavors and healthy ingredients.

Did you know that a recent study found that daily salad eaters had higher levels of certain disease-fighting antioxidants. So here are 4 healthy salad recipes for weight loss that are perfect for lunch and dinner, from vegetable salad to chicken salad and more.
Here Are 4 Healthy Salad Recipes for Weight Loss | Easy Salad Recipes

1 Chicken, Cucumber, Tomato & Avocado Salad 380 calories (1 serving)

This chicken salad recipe is a tasty and heart-healthy meal.

– 1/2 cucumber
– 1 handful cherry or grape tomatoes, halved
– 1/2 ripe avocados
– 1/4 red
onion – 1/8 cup parsley
– juice of 1 lemon
– salt and black pepper to taste
– 2 tsp. extra virgin olive oil
1/4 black olives
1/2 cup grilled chicken breast


1. Place cucumber slices, tomatoes, avocados, onion, chicken breast, black olives and parsley and in a large salad bowl.

2. Toss with olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Enjoy!
This egg salad recipe is so simple and so delicious. Even your darling son could do it! You're going to love it so much! Packed to the brim with protein, it's sure to curb your hunger!


2 hard-boiled eggs
, chopped 1/2 large avocado, chopped
1 tablespoon red onion, finely chopped
1 tablespoon red bell pepper, finely chopped
1 tablespoon grated carrots
salt and ground pepper, to taste

Combine eggs, avocado, onion, carrot and bell pepper in a bowl. Sprinkle with salt and ground pepper. Serve and enjoy!

3 Quinoa Salad 330 calories (1 serving)


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