How to Quickly Eliminate Bed Bugs, Cockroaches and Other Insects in Your Home


Dealing with pests in your home can be a daunting task, but there are effective natural remedies to tackle everything from mice to bed bugs, cockroaches, ants, and fruit flies. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you reclaim your space safely and naturally.

1. Mice

Prevention and Removal:

Humane Traps: Use specific cages designed for humane capture and release. Bait these traps with cheese or dried fruit, and release the captured mice away from your home.

Natural Repellents: Mice dislike the scent of peppermint and cloves. Scatter cotton balls soaked in peppermint essential oil or whole cloves around your home to deter them.

2. Cockroaches

Natural Remedies:

Baking Soda and Sugar: A mixture of baking soda and powdered sugar placed in cups around hot, humid rooms attracts and eliminates cockroaches when ingested.

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