Heaven and hell cake, the way I love it



This is how it works: First, mix the butter, 125 g sugar, 4 egg yolks and 1 whole egg until foamy. Sift in the flour and baking powder and stir in.

Divide the dough between 2 baking tins (I use a 26 cm and a 28 cm baking tin) or save half of the dough and bake in a second step.
Beat 4 egg whites until stiff and sprinkle in 200 g sugar. Spread half of the egg white mixture on the dough and sprinkle with half of the almonds.

Bake both bases at 160 °C for approx. 25 – 30 minutes.
Immediately after baking, cut one base (in my case the smaller baking pan) into 12 pieces (press through with a sharp knife) and set aside.
Place a cake ring around the large base.

Drain the sour cherry juice and add water to approx. 400 – 450 ml. Remove a little and mix the vanilla pudding powder with it. Heat the remaining cherry juice and stir in the mixed pudding powder.

Bring to the boil and when it thickens, remove from the heat and add the sour cherries. Allow to cool briefly and spread on the bottom base. Allow the cherry filling to cool completely.
Whip the cream until stiff and spread over the cold cherries. Spread the 12 cake pieces on top.

Our tips:
Don’t worry if the base appears very thin when you spread it, the egg white mixture and almonds create great bases! Since the top shape is smaller for me, there is enough space for all 12 pieces. It is important to cut into the base after baking so that the cream is not squeezed out when cutting later.
You can also pipe the cream onto the cherries – it looks very pretty