Cultivating Mustard Greens in Recycled Plastic Bottles


Materials Needed:

1-2 liter plastic bottles (per plant)
Potting soil
Mustard green seeds
Scissors or cutter
Watering can


Cut the bottle: Using scissors or a cutter, carefully cut the bottle about one-third from the top edge. This will serve as a planter for your mustard greens.
Create drain holes: Make small holes at the bottom of the bottle planter to allow excess water to drain away. Adequate drainage is crucial for plant health.
Add soil: Fill the bottom of the bottle (the one with the lid) with potting soil. Ensure that the soil is loose and well-ventilated to facilitate root growth.
Plant seeds: Plant 2-3 mustard green seeds about 2.5 cm deep into the soil. Cover them with a thin layer of soil and lightly water the seeds.
Location and maintenance: Place the bottles in a sunny spot, preferably near a window, where they will receive sufficient sunlight. Regularly check the moisture level and water as necessary.
Growth and harvest: In about 7–10 days, you will notice seedlings sprouting. As they grow, thin them out so that only the healthiest plant remains in each bottle. With proper care, you can harvest mustard greens in about 4 to 6 weeks by cutting off the outer leaves to allow the middle leaves to continue growing.

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