My hubby is not a beet lover, but he couldn't resist this dish!


7. Garnish with fresh parsley before serving, adding a pop of color and a hint of freshness.
Variations & Tips:
- For a richer experience, consider adding a splash of cream or dollop of sour cream to the beets as they simmer.
- Apple cider vinegar can be substituted with red wine vinegar for a deeper tangy flavor.
- To intensify the sweetness, a handful of raisins can be added along with the beets.
- For a more robust garlic flavor, feel free to increase the amount of garlic, or for convenience, use 1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder in its place.
- Those interested in a low-sugar option can reduce or omit the brown sugar, though this will shift the classic balance of sweetness and tanginess.
- Refrigerate any leftovers, as they only improve in flavor after a day, and can easily be warmed up for a quick side the following evening.