11 Unexpected Ways That Denture Tablets Make Cleaning Easy



cleaning with denture tabs

2. Yellowed Fingernails

Certain types of nail polish may leave your fingernails looking stained or discolored. To restore them to their original color, use denture tablets! Put one cup of warm water in a bowl and drop in a denture tablet. Soak your nails in the mixture for 5 minutes, then wash your hands. Repeat daily until the discoloration is completely gone.

cleaning with denture tabs


3. Narrow Vases & Bottles

Denture tablets are great for cleaning out containers with narrow openings. Just fill the vase or bottle with warm water and add 1-2 denture tablets, depending on the size of the item. Wait an hour or two then rinse well.

cleaning with denture tabs

4. Enamel Cookware

Can’t remove the food residue or stains stuck to your enamel cookware? Fill the pot or pan with warm water and add 1-2 denture tablets. Wait until the fizzing stops, then wash the pot or pan in warm soapy water.

cleaning with denture tabs

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