7 Things You Shouldn’t Store Under The Kitchen Sink


sink storage


3. Backup Items

The area under your sink offers valuable storage space, but it isn’t the best place to pack with bulk buys from your most recent Costco run. Keep the area functional and free of clutter by keeping smaller amounts of your supplies handy, and store the rest of your “backups” in your pantry, a closet, or out in the garage.

(Need more advice about storing bulk buys? Check out this post!)

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4. Pet Food And Treats

Can you imagine the emotional devastation both you and your pet would feel if you discovered their favorite treats had gone moldy? That’s a very real possibility if you store their treats or food under the sink, where it’s often humid and a frequent site of leaks.


If you want to continue storing pet food or treats under the sink, keep them well protected by transferring them from bags and boxes to airtight containers. Or you could simply move your pet’s food and treats to a dryer storage location, like a closet or the bottom of your pantry.

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5. Anything Flammable

It should go without saying, but flammable items don’t belong in the kitchen! This includes products like solvents, thinners, polishes, paints, certain cleaners, and anything else that has could potentially burst into flames.

This is particularly important if you’ve been keeping any oily rags under your sink, like those used to apply furniture polish or varnishes containing linseed or flaxseed oil. Flammable items and oily rags should be safely stored away in the garage or a closet.

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