Bauer reveals how to choose the sweetest watermelon: This is the only way to find it


How to choose the sweetest watermelon and not make a mistake? Here is the farmers’ recommended method to choose a sweet watermelon and enjoy it to the fullest!

Choosing Watermelons
In summer, it is inevitable to try watermelon, a very sweet and delicious fruit that is popular with both adults and children. However, it is not always easy to choose the right variety because not everyone knows which one is sweeter than the others and it is easy to make a mistake. Only experts know how to get used to the sweetest watermelon. Here is the farmer’s recommended method to avoid mistakes!

The farmer’s method of choosing the sweetest watermelon
An inexperienced person may make mistakes when choosing watermelons because he does not know the rules by which they are ripe or not. For this reason, it is good to follow the advice of an expert to choose the sweetest watermelon.

And who better than the farmer to make the right choice? These fruits are among the fruits grown in large quantities as they are highly sought after in summer due to their freshness and sweet taste. Not all varieties have the same taste, but by choosing the right variety it is possible to taste them when fully ripe and therefore with all their aroma.

Eating an unripe watermelon leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. Therefore, it is best to rely on farmers’ advice to choose a watermelon that is ripe enough to be consumed immediately. So let’s find out what farmers advise when choosing watermelon and which variety should be brought to the table to celebrate, because watermelon is a fruit that brings joy and carefreeness!

Check the surface of the watermelon
A first way to determine the ripeness of the watermelon is to check the surface. Look closely at the outline of the fruit to identify any whitish spots.

If they are present on the surface of the fruit, it means that the fruit was harvested early and has not yet reached the correct level of ripeness, making it very sweet. When choosing, opt for watermelons with large yellow spots, on which the sun’s rays have rested longer and are therefore suitable for consumption.

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